Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Has turned 19.. UGHHHHH

The time has finally come... I have turned 19. Look I know it's not OLD or a big deal.. but this means that I am no longer 18. And what a great time 18 is. Becoming 18 is a major right of passage: you can legally drink, drive, go clubbing, the year you finish school, and the age you are when you start your first year of Uni. So for me a lot has happened in the past year, and I honestly think I have grown both mentally and in terms of my maturity.

Looking back on my 19 years of existence I can safely say that I have had a an amazing life, a privileged life and a life full of opportunities.

For my birthday I got some awesome gifts.. one of my favourite in particular was a make-up book. Its such an amazing book with awesome photographs and details on how to get the perfect eye-look, MY FAVOURITE IS OF COURSE SMOKEY EYES!! ^-^

I have always dreamed of being a make-up artist, and maybe one day that can happen!!

Untilllllllll next time my loveee, CIAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Xxx

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Okay so we have owned the dvd set of the first season of the OC since approximately 2006. Anyways the dvd has just been staring at me from its un-used bottom shelf position in the dvd cabinet. Yesterday since I had an awful amount of spare time... and since I never use my spare time in anyway productive (which of course is how I like to spend it: procrastinating) I decided "HEY LETS WATCH THE OC!!". So I took the dvd set and sat and watched the first 4 episodes on my own. And guess what? .... It was great! I love the OC. Because it has been like what 3 whole years since I last saw it, I had completely forgotten everything and it was like watching it from the beginning again.

Pretty much the first thing I see on screen is a VERY fashion-forward Ryan wearing a tight white tee, a grey unzipped hooded jumper and over that a black leather jacket with the grey hood peeping out over it.. not to mention a tight black rope necklace around his neck.. and boy did he look good (see below)! So I was all like stunned because my theory is.. and is continually proven in modern American sitcoms, is that Teen America dress HORRIBLY.. outside of the Hills, everyone dresses trashy and cheap- flare jeans, tight bright coloured tops, think the film THIRTEEN. But bear in mind that aside from Ryan everyone else on the OC also dressed like complete NOOBS!

Okay so yea, I have a new-found... or rekindled (I can't remember) crush on the character Ryan played by Benjamin Meckanzie (what happened to all these OC actors.. fallen off the face of the hollywood LA scene?). It must be something about that badboy-Justin Bobby thing he's got going on.. is anyone else attracted to a guy who can deffend himself.. mmm reow?? On the other hand.. Mishca Barton actually loooked really pretty as a fresh-faced young Marissa.. and now in pap photos it looks like heavy drinking/drug taking can have a very profound affect on appearance.. she kinda looks worn out these days.

Anyways the OC rocks. I never ever got to watch all the season so here we begin with another Jess obsession.. along with One Tree Hill, Nip/Tuck and True Blood.

By now you can tell my posts are random and infrequent. And also of very boring and unappealing things. My life is routine and boring so I appologise. :) But someone out there will enjoy this.. at least I hope.